About Us
West Allis Downtown, a non-profit organization formed in 1989, dedicates time and professional talents to help the community develop in a proficient and beneficial way. This volunteer group is currently made up of many individuals and businesses, helping
West Allis continue to become a prosperous, friendly community.
Businesses located in West Allis Downtown and surrounding areas benefit from the efforts of our organization. Members are made aware of preserving the area while striving to attract new businesses and uplift current ones. Volunteers get involved in a cooperation with other West Allis organizations to present a positive image to visitors and residents alike.
Downtown West Allis Business Improvement District is part of the Wisconsin Main Street Program. West Allis is truly honored to be part of this successful and proven program. Established in 1987, Wisconsin Main Street encourages and supports the historical and economical redevelopment of traditional business districts of downtown areas in Wisconsin.